Veterans Social Hour

IUPUI Faculty Staff Council and University Veterans Post 360 would like to invite you out to American Legion Post 34 the 1st Thursday of each month at 6pm for a Veterans Social Hour.  This is a time for veterans to come together and network and just have some fun.

For more information please contact the President of the IUPUI Veterans Faculty Staff Council, Joe Hayes,

Veteran Resource Fair

Easter Seals Crossroads Veteran Services is partnering with the Central Indiana Region of Ivy Tech Community College for our 3rd Veteran Resource Fair. This Veteran Resource Fair takes place on Tuesday, November 1st from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. The location for this event is at the Lawrence Campus Fairbanks Center, 9301 East 59th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46216.

This event is open to all military, veterans, family, and public.

Veterans Day Parade

The American Legion, Department of Indiana invites you and your fellow Legion Family members to join us in marching proudly behind our flag and colors provided by the Bloomfield Memorial Post 196 Honor Guard at the 2016 Veterans Day Parade in Indianapolis.

Participation is highly encouraged! Let’s get out there and show Indiana that we march for our veterans. Please find the attached parade route map, rules and guidelines for the day’s event.

The American Legion, Department of Indiana is in Section 2 of the Parade, which means our marshaling area is located on the intersection of North Street and Fort Wayne Street, just East of Pennsylvania, where we will meet at 10:45 a.m. Please read over all the attached information carefully and make sure you understand where your marshal area is located.

Parking will be located at The American Legion Parking Lot at the southeast intersection of Pennsylvania and St. Claire. For those that require parking passes, please respond to this email and request them. These passes are limited so be sure to carpool or organize a chauffeur. Additionally, there are passes for those that wish to drop off elderly and/or disabled participants directly in the marshaling area before parking. Again, these are available upon request.

Department Assistant Adjutant Will Henry will be on ground organizing our Hoosier Legion Family. The Indiana National Guard and Reserves will also be assisting as parade marshals, so please listen to them and follow their instructions towards a safe and fun parade.

Order of march will be Legion, Auxiliary, Sons, Riders. Don your Legion caps, pins, t-shirts, jackets and coats. Please spread the word and let’s maximize our participation.

Learn more about the Indianapolis Veterans Day Observance at

POW-MIA Recognition Day Ceremony

The Indianapolis POW/MIA Council, Inc. cordially invites you to attend the POW-MIA

Recognition Day Ceremony, to be held on Friday, September 19, 2014.

As in prior years, the program will be held on the north steps of the Indiana War Memorial,

431 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN. Our keynote speaker is Joseph E Kernan, 48th

Governor of the State of Indiana and a Former Prisoner of War. A pre-ceremonial concert is

scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m., with the program beginning promptly at noon.

We hope that you will join us in supporting and honoring our nation’s veterans, and we thank

you for your support of the Indianapolis POW-MIA Recognition Day ceremony.