Continuous Membership Certificates

Left to Right: Post 360 Commander Christina Owens and Post 360 member Joe Hayes

University Veterans Post 360 wants to honor our members that have been a member of the American Legion for a 10 year or more. We have presented several certificates in the past and currently have several to present. If you are a 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 or 35 year member of the American Legion and currently a post member of University Veterans Post 360 come to our September meeting to get your certificate. Please email if you will be coming to the meeting to receive your certificate.

SGT Lawrence Certificate Presentation

Left to Right: SGT J Lawrence, Post 360 Commander Christina Owens and Post 360 Adjutant Cliff Morlan.

SGT Lawrence, an IU Indianapolis Police Officer was nominated for the the Law Enforcement Officer of the Year for the American Legion by Post 360. SGT Lawrence was presented a Certificate of Commendation from Post 360 for his service to our community.